DSC_7082 (2)2 (1)

Patient Information

    Arriving for your outpatient appointment

    Watch our video showing your journey through the hospital on your appointment day.

    Watch the video

    Arriving at the hospital and your stay

    Supporting trans people who need additional help when coming into hospital:

    Information about visitors whilst in hospital:

    Once you have been admitted to a ward, visitors are allowed (1-2 visitors at a time). The ward will have specific allocated visiting hours (typically between 2pm-8pm), this can be confirmed with the ward staff.   For those that require a carer and or have special needs, details will be discussed with your Clinical Nurse Specialist prior to the day of surgery.

    Supporting patients who may have additional needs when coming into hospital: The patient passport will tell us about your healthcare, your learning disability, how you like to communicate and howvto make things easier for you. You can carry your hospital passport and show it to healthcare staff at Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust Hospital. It is intended to help health professionals during clinical discussions with patients that go beyond what is included in a person’s medical record.

    Arriving for your surgery

    Watch our video showing your journey through the hospital on your day of surgery.

    Watch the video